1979, BA, Economics, Univ. of Bombay; 1983, MA, Economics, 1986, PhD, Economics, Univ. of Rochester. 1986-90, Assist. Professor, Univ. of Florida. 1990-92, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. 1992-98, with the Federal Reserve Board: 1992-93, Analyst, Multi-Country Models; 1994-96, Country Analyst, Transition Economies; 1997-98, Country Analyst, Asian Economies. Since 1998, with IMF: 1998- 99, Country Analyst, Philippines & Asia-Pacific; 1990-2000, Senior Economist; 2000-04, Assistant to Director, External Relations; 2004-05, Mission Chief, Grenada; 2006-08, Division Chief, External Relations; currently, Adviser, Research Department. Also Adjunct Professor of Economics, Owen School of Mgmt, Vanderbilt Univ. and School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins. Author of numerous papers, articles, op-eds, others. Research interests include: assessment of macro-economic forecasting performance; understanding trade linkages among nations and regions; and modelling the impact of oil prices on the macroeconomy.