在应试之外找回好奇心: 数字工具如何重塑教育模式
Dr. Rahmin Bender-Salazar is an Entrepreneur, Social Psychologist, and Academic focused on the application of design research and creativity on innovation, business, and policy that is socially and ecologically sensitive in a global context. He is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Galway focused on sustainable futures, social innovation, behavioral change, and socio-ecological systems. He is also the founder of Creativo Design, a design thinking consultancy, which works at the crossroads of management consulting, policymaking, social psychology, and design to engage in the co-creation of products and services on all levels for social impact.
In today's world curiosity is key to success. Here's how we can use systems thinking and Interactive Digital Narratives in education to foster curiosity.
Social innovation education draws from different disciplines to create empowered global citizens that can help solve the world’s most pressing problems.
Discover how systems mapping could be instrumental in helping us navigate major complex problems and how the agro-food sector could find it useful.
Transforming everyday smalltalk into meaningful conversations can change perspectives and cause social change. There are four key principles to do so.
Entrepreneurship must integrate the following three aspects: ecological and social systems; collective responsibility for justice; and posture of learning.