Studies, Harvard and Univ. de los Andes. Former: Executive Director and Chief Executive, ICTSD (1996-2018); Co-Founder and Exec. Director, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (Quito); Permanent Colombian Delegate in Geneva; Principal Adviser to Colombian Minister of Econ. Dev.; Chief Trade Negotiator; Chief of Administration, Office, President of Colombia; Spokesperson, G77; Colombian negotiator GATT/WTO. From 1997 to 2018, Publisher, BRIDGES series of periodicals. Principal Convener, E15Initiative (, a joint undertaking of ICTSD and the World Economic Forum involving over 380 experts on the future of the global trade and investment system. Led the SETA Initiative, a campaign for robust, efficient global markets in clean energy technologies. Chairman, Board of Directors: Meridian Institute (US). Author and editor.