My long-term career aim has been to drive progress in sustainable development through the private sector. Since February 2020 I have been Global Head of Public Affairs at Nestlé SA. Nestlé has long been a leader in creating shared value and, as the world's largest food and beverage company, is looking ahead to making its contribution to advancing the 2030 agenda. I was previously Chief Executive of sustainability strategy consultancy and think tank SustainAbility, now part of the ERM Group.
From October 2007 to January 2012 I was Chief Executive of Fairtrade International, the central body for Fairtrade, working with colleagues in a complex, multi-stakeholder organisation to improve conditions for smallholder farmers.
I was previously owner and executive chairman of Flag, an international sustainability and CSR communication company. My interest in and experience of sustainable development issues led to involvement in many organisations in the sustainability arena, including BITC and AccountAbility. I am a Fellow of the RSA, enjoy cycling (including uphill), rowing and skiing.