Samantha Akwei

Alumni, Global Shapers Community

Samantha Motsoe Akwei is a Ghanaian-American award-winning published poet, public servant, and global social impact leader with a background in Corporate Tech, Nonprofit, and Government. She has extensive experience building, developing, and leading strategic inclusive initiatives to support diverse communities as an AmeriCorps tutor, workforce development coach, environmental organizer, Google Fiber Digital Inclusion Fellow, Diversity Director at the Justice and Diversity Center, and talent manager. The depth of her service includes being a member of Catalyst 2030, ForbesBLK Local Advisory Council, Curator of the Global Shapers Oakland hub, HandsOn Bay Area, and New Leaders Council Fellow. As a Knicks Poetry Slam Winner, Brave New Voices NY Poet, and 2015 Best New African Poets Anthology co-author she has a passion for maximizing leadership potential, strengthening organizational capacity and driving systems change. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English from Spelman College and a Masters in Public Administration from San Francisco State University.