Sawsan Zaher

Human Rights Lawyer; Director, Social and Economic Rights Unit, Adalah

Sawsan is a Palestinian feminist and human rights lawyer, based in Haifa, Israel. A senior lawyer with Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, serving as the director of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights Unit since 2005. She has litigated several landmark cases before the Israeli Supreme Court challenging discrimination and racism against the Palestinian minority in Israel; In 2015 Sawsan was selected as a Young Global Leader and she received several fellowships: in 2013 selected as a Yale World Fellow; in 2012 selected as a fellow at the Women in Public Service Project at Wellesley College, M.A., USA; in 2008 a Fellow of the Public Law Program in the Public Interest Law Institute in Colombia University, NYC. In 2004 received an L.L.M. in International Legal Studies with a concentration on human rights and gender from the American University, Washington College of Law (USA). In January 2015 appointed to serve as the Acting General Director of Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counselling in Ramallah. Active in several human rights and digital rights organizations including board member at 7amleh - The Arab Center for Social media Advancement.