Georgetown University Law Center, J.D.
Columbia College/Columbia University, B.A. History
Harvard Law School, Professor of Practice, teaching Administrative Law, Employment Law, Policy Advocacy Workshop and Seminar on Organizing for Economic Justice in the New Economy
Harvard Law School, Executive Director, Center for Labor and a Just Economy (formerly Labor and Worklife Program)
Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, Acting Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Biden-Harris Transition, Senior Advisor
Harvard Law School, Executive Director of the Labor and Worklife Program
Co-authored (with Professor Benjamin Sachs), the Clean Slate for Worker Power Project
Harvard Law School, Lecturer in Law
U.S. Department of Labor, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Labor
White House Office of Public Engagement, Senior Public Engagement Advisor for Labor and Working Families (on detail)
National Labor Relations Board, Member
U.S. Department of Labor, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
Office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Senior Labor and Employment Counsel, HELP Committee
Roosevelt Institute, Board Member
Center for Progressive Reform, Board Member
People’s Parity Project, Board Member