Stéphanie Lacour

Professor, Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

PhD in Electrical Engineering, INSA de Lyon, France; completed postdoctoral research, Princeton University, USA, and the University of Cambridge, UK. Currently, Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology, School of Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Research focuses on the materials, technology and integration of soft bioelectronic interfaces including artificial skin and ultra-compliant neural electrodes for therapeutic neuroprosthetics. Founding Member, EPFL Centre for Neuroprosthetics. Recipient: MIT TR35 (2006); University Research Fellowship, Royal Society (UK); European Research Council ERC Starting and Proof-of-Concept Grants; SNSF-ERC Consolidator Grant.

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