Steve Bolze

BSc in Electrical Engineering, Duke University; MBA, University of Michigan. Former: Management Consultant, Corporate Decisions; Project Manager, Westinghouse. With GE: 1993, Manager, Mergers and Acquisitions, GE Corporate Business Development; 1995, joined GE Power as Manager, Competitive Strategies; then Product General Manager for large steam turbines; then held several leadership roles in Energy Services, including President and General Manager, Energy Management Services; 2002, with GE Healthcare as General Manager, Functional and Molecular Imaging; 2003, appointed a company officer and became Vice-President, Amersham Integration, London; then President and Chief Executive Officer, GE Healthcare International, Paris; 2005, Vice-President, Power Generation; currently, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE Power; Senior Vice-President, GE. Active in many energy-related organizations, including World Energy Council, International Energy Agency, and World Economic Forum. Steward, Digital Economy and Society System, World Economic Forum.