1984, BS, Amherst College; 1991, DVM, Tufts University Veterinary Medical School; 1992, Surgical Internship, South Weymouth Animal Hospital; 1995, Residency, Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park, American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM); 2000, Board certification in and Diplomate of American College of Zoological Medicine. 2001-15, Chief Veterinary Medical Officer, Smithsonian National Zoological Park. Since 2015, Program Director, Smithsonian Global Health Program, investigating emerging infectious diseases, building international veterinary capacity, and responding to wildlife morbidity and mortality events. Member: Foreign Animal Disease Threats subcommittee and Pandemic Preparedness subcommittee, Office of Science, Technology and Policy. Research interests include emerging infectious diseases, elephant and rhinoceros medicine, gorilla cardiology.