Thongsing Thammavong

Certificate in Personnel Mgmt; higher-level political studies. Former: Teacher, Deputy MD, Samneua Secondary School, Huaphan Province; Director, inner secondary school and Head, Education Office, Xiengkhor Dist, Huaphan Prov.; Director, upper secondary school and Teacher, Training College, Xobxay and Nakhao, Viengxay Dist.; Deputy Director-General, Personnel Dept, Deputy General Director, Vocational Dept and Acting Director-General, Personnel Dept, Ministry of Education; Alternate Member, Party Central Cttee, President, Cttee for Press, Newspapers and Radio, Ministry of Culture; Deputy, Propaganda and Training Board, Party Central Cttee; Cultural Minister; Secretary, Party Cttee; VP, People's Supreme Assembly, II Legislature; Acting President, People's Supreme Assembly, II Legislature; Politburo Member, V and VI Party Congress; Head, Personnel Cttee, Party Central Cttee and Standing Member, Party Politburo; Politburo Member, VII Party Congress; Secretary, Party Cttee, Vientiane; Mayor of Vientiane Capital; Politburo Member, VIII Party Congress; Member, Nat'l Assembly, VI Legislature; President, Nat'l Assembly, VI Legislature; since 2011, Politburo Member; Prime Minister of the Lao People 's Democratic Republic.