Tosca Santoso

Managing Director, Kantor Berita Radio KBR68H

Tosca Santoso graduated in 1989 from Bogor Agriculture Institute. Since 1990, he has been a journalist including with: Bisnis Indonesia newspaper, Forum Keadilan magazine, KNI news agency and Tempo TVS. Since 1999, he has been the Managing Director of Kantor Berita Radio KBR68H, the largest independent radio news agency in Indonesia. Currently, Tosca is also Managing Director of Green Radio, a radio station in Jakarta with environmental radio journalism and off air environmental activities. In 1994, he co-founded and was first Secretary-General of Alliance of Independent Journalists. From 2003 to 2006, he was a Member of Indonesian Press Council. In 2006, Tosca helped found Indonesian Association for Media Development.

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