Viktor Orban

Prime Minister of Hungary, Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary

1987, graduate, Faculty of Law, Co-founder, István Bibó College of Law and Social Sciences, Lóránd Eötvös Univ., Hungary; 1989, studies, History of Philosophy of English Liberal Politics, Pembroke College, Oxford. 1989-91, with Managers School, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry; 1988-89, Co-founder and Spokesman, first Hungarian political opposition group, Federation of Young Democrats (FIDESZ); 1989, spoke at the reburial of the heroes of the 1956 uprising, demanding publicly for the first time, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary; 1989, Leader, FIDESZ parliamentary group at political subcommittee of the Opposition Round Table Discussions; 1990, elected Member of Parliament, first free parliamentary elections, Hungary; 1992, elected Vice-President, Liberal International; 1993, First President, FIDESZ; 1994, elected Member of Parliament; 1994, Chairman, Committee on European Integration Affairs, Hungarian Parliament; 1996 Founder and Chairman, Committee for Political Cooperation of the New Atlantic Initiative; 1995 and 1997, President, FIDESZ, Hungarian Civic Party; 1998-2002, and since 2010, Prime Minister of Hungary.