1959-1964, studies at Biophysics Department, University of Science and Technology, China 1964-2005; Intern Researcher, Assistant Researcher, Associate Researcher and Researcher, Biophysics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Visiting Scholar: 1979-81, German Wool Research Institute; 1981-82, US National Institute of Health. Visiting Scientist: 1987-88, City of Hope National Medical Center, Los Angeles; 1988-91, US Food and Drug Administration. 1991-93, Research Assistant, University of Alberta, Canada. 1995, Visiting Scientist, Goettingen University, Germany; 1995-2001, Chinese Delegate, Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists; 1998, Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Academician: 2001, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2005, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. Since 2005, Vice-Chairwoman, Central Committee, Jiu San Society and Researcher, CAS Biophysics Institute; since 2008; current position. Member, 10th National Committee, CPPCC.