Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

President of Uganda, Office of the President of Uganda

1967-70, Studied Political Science, Economics and Law, Dar-es-Salaam University. 1971, Research Assistant, President's Office. 1972, formed Front for National Salvation (FRONASA). 1972, taught at Moshi Co-operative College, Tanzania. 1979, Minister of State for Defence; Vice-Chairman of Military Commission; Minister of Regional Co-operation. 1980, Head, Political Party, Uganda Patriotic Movement. Since 1986, Head, National Resistance Movement as President of the Republic. 1987-88 and 1992-93, Chairman, Preferential Trade Area. 1990-91, Chairman, Organization of African Unity. Chairman: National Resistance Movement; National Resistance Council; High Command of the National Resistance Army, also Commander-in-Chief. Minister of Defence. Author of Selected essays (1985) and What is Africa's problem? (1992). Two forthcoming publications.

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