Zhang Yi

Director, Joint Lab of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tsinghua University

1986, Bachelor's degree and 1988, Master's degree, Tsinghua Univ.; 1995, PhD, Univ. of Strathclyde, UK. 1989, joined Tsinghua Univ. as Faculty, Dept of Automation; 2006-08, Director, Office of Int'l Cooperation and Exchange; 2008-14, Vice-Provost for Int'l Affairs; since April 2015, Director for Joint Lab of ITS. Research on intelligent transportation systems, incl. intelligent vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems, analysis of urban transportation systems, urban road network mgmt, traffic data fusion and dissemination, and urban traffic control and mgmt. Member: Expert Cttee for the Advanced Transportation Technology Projects, 863 Program (China Hi-Tech R&D Program); National ITS Adv. Board, China Ministry of Science and Technology. Int'l Adviser, Japan National Institute of Informatics.