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Joeli Brearley: The Motherhood Penalty

The author, Joeli Brearley, is also founder of the UK campaigning charity Pregnant Then Screwed.
Robin Pomeroy sits in for regular host Beatrice Di Caro. Interview by Kate Whiting.

Studies have shown the ‘motherhood penalty’ makes up 80% of the gender pay gap.Men spend just of third of the time women do on unpaid work, according to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2022.Joeli Brearley, founder of the Pregnant Then Screwed campaign, is the author of The Motherhood Penalty: How to stop motherhood being the kiss of death for your career.Here she explains how COVID-19 impacted mothers, and how paternity leave and childcare could help to reduce the motherhood penalty.

When Joeli Brearley was four months’ pregnant, she was brushing her teeth one morning and missed a call from her company.

Two days before, she’d told her employer she was pregnant. The unexpected voicemail Brearley later picked up was from her female CEO saying her services were no longer required.

A routine doctor’s appointment then found Brearley was having a high-risk pregnancy - which forced her to abandon any attempt to challenge the discrimination by taking her employer to a tribunal.

“The doctor said, ‘Whatever you do, don't get stressed because it's stress that will trigger early labour and if you go into labour now the baby will die’.

“Within the space of two weeks, I found myself going from really happy to suddenly no job prospects, no income, completely reliant on my partner to pay my rent and bills.”

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  • Global Gender Gap Report 2022

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Hosted by:
Beatrice Di Caro

Social Media and Live Communications Lead, World Economic Forum

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