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Radio Davos

No laughing matter: Can comedy help us tackle climate change?

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Climate change is an extremely serious issue, but can comedy help us cope with - and communicate about - it?

We hear from the University of Colorado, Boulder where students can take a course in ‘climate comedy’ that ends in them performing on stage in a comedy club.

And we unpack the power of cartoons from the World Economic Forum’s climate ‘cartoonathon’.

Thumbnail image: Wade Kimbrough (with the help of A.I.) The caption reads: "Changing paths? That's not in this quarter's budget."


Beth Osnes, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies in Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder:

Max Boykoff, Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder

Gill Einhorn, Head, Innovation and Transformation, Centre for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum

John Letzing, Digital Editor, Strategic Intelligence, World Economic Forum


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