OECD, IEEE and DQI Announce Platform for Coordinating Digital Intelligence Across Technology and Education Sectors

26 Sep 2018

Alem Tedeneke, Media Lead SDGs, Public Engagement, Tel.: +1 646 204 9191, Email: ated@weforum.org

· Three leading global organizations – OECD, IEEE Standards Association and DQ Institute – announce new platform for digital coordination, Coalition for Digital Intelligence (CDI)

· CDI will serve as coordinating platform for organizations implementing a common set of standards and definitions for digital intelligence across the technology and education sectors, allowing digital intelligence to be better tracked and understood

· Digital Intelligence refers to the set of competencies necessary for digital life and includes basic digital skills and digital literacy

· For more information please visit www.coalitionfordigitalintelligence.org

· Watch and follow the meeting at www.wef.ch/SDI18 and join the conversation at #wefimpact

Geneva and New York, 26 September 2018 – During the World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit in New York, three leading global organizations – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the IEEE Standards Association and the DQ Institute announced their engagement in the Coalition for Digital Intelligence (CDI). The coalition is a platform for coordinating efforts on raising digital intelligence across the technology and education sectors and is supported by the World Economic Forum.

Every year, the world economy invests billions of dollars in developing digital literacy and digital skills. These efforts are not well coordinated, however, with many companies, governments and organizations running their respective programmes under their own frameworks. There are countless global, national and organizational efforts to create frameworks that classify digital skills and digital literacy.

Consequently, there is no globally shared understanding of what terms like digital skills and digital literacy mean. As used today, they can refer to competencies that range from typing and web-browsing, to using social media platforms, to administering vendor-specific database products to writing software.

Lack of a shared understanding leads to uncoordinated monitoring and reporting. There is no shared baseline understanding of the level of digital skills in the world today and it is difficult to address how to improve and sustain them. CDI is grounded in an agreement that the world could build basic digital skills and digital literacy more efficiently and effectively if there was increased coordination on a common set of definitions and standards.

The DQ Institute, an international think-tank, has used an academically rigorous process to aggregate more than 20 leading frameworks from around the world. The resulting framework, Digital Intelligence (DQ), includes eight comprehensive areas deemed necessary for digital life today. They include not only the technical skills one might expect but also abilities related to digital safety, digital rights and digital emotional intelligence. These capacities allow people to not just use a computer or smartphone, but to deal with modern social and economic challenges such as identity theft, screen addiction, online privacy and the spread of digital misinformation. DQ brings together education agendas of digital literacies, with industry efforts to develop digital skills: encompassing digital citizenship, digital resilience, media and information literacy, job readiness, entrepreneurship, and more. The DQ framework is also built on the OECD’s Education 2030 Learning Framework to create a guide for nations to develop their national education and policies on digital intelligence.

“Technology is only meaningful when it enhances humanness. In the age of AI and hyper-connectivity, Digital Intelligence (DQ) is a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, social and emotional digital competencies that are grounded in ethics and human values,” said Yuhyun Park, Founder of DQ Institute.

If DQ is to become a global framework that allows for better coordination and the scalability of digital skills training, there must be a way of working across the worlds of education and technology. Both schools and the technology community have a significant role to play in building digital intelligence.

“The development of Digital Intelligence is not ad hoc,” said Melissa Sassi, co-chair of the IEEE Digital Literacy Industry Connections Program. “It should be a paradigm with a focus on technical excellence and deployment though collaboration of many forms around the world. We see the opportunity to enable the build of Digital Intelligence into product and software design from the onset through the use of global standards that include agreed upon common definitions and take into account various contexts. It will also enable improved practices and processes towards the development of indicators and measurement.”

The CDI will serve as a platform for coordinating efforts on raising Digital Intelligence across the technology and education sectors. Initial efforts of the Coalition include institutionalizing the DQ framework, which will be done through a formal adoption process with the OECD and by the development of an IEEE technical standard. The CDI will then help to organize implementation groups around each of these: a multistakeholder coalition of firms to promote and implement the IEEE standard, and a similar group built around a coalition of education ministers to implement the guidelines created by the OECD.

“In a world where the kinds of things that are easy to teach and test have also become easy to digitize and automate, we need to work harder to pair the artificial intelligence of computers with the human capabilities that will empower individuals to fully capitalize on new technologies. This makes the Coalition for Digital Intelligence so important and the OECD is privileged to contribute, through its Education 2030 Learning Framework, a common language and methodology to this work,” said Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the OECD.

The CDI will establish a common reporting framework for each group and hold summits that bring the groups together to talk about shared progress and identify the needs that each community has in relation to the other. These results will feed back into the DQ framework, which is regularly updated in response to both findings from implementers and to technological change.

The World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation , is hosting its 2nd Sustainable Development Impact Summit in New York on 24-25 September to drive solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Paris Agreement on climate change.

Notes to editors:

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