Latin America Leaders to Address Climate Crisis at Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2019

22 Sep 2019

Alem Tedeneke, Public Engagement +1 646 204 9191, Email:

  • Sebastián Piñera Echenique, President of Chile, and Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia, will speak at the Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2019
  • Sustainable Development Goals, upcoming COP-25 and the Amazon on the Agenda
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New York, USA, 22 September 2019 – Sebastián Piñera, President of Chile, and Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia, will address the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit, which takes place this week, 23-24 September, in New York.

Piñera, who is a Co-Chair of the meeting, will make an appearance in the meeting’s Plenary Hall at 15.15 EST on Monday 23 September. He will deliver a Special Address, which will be followed by a conversation with Borge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, and subsequently a press conference.

Piñera will speak on a range of issues, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the upcoming COP-25 Summit which will be hosted in Santiago in December.

Duque is expected to discuss the future of the Amazon basin in a livestreamed conversation at 8:45 EST with World Economic Forum Managing Director Dominic Waughray,

Deforestation-free supply chains provide numerous benefits for humanity, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, providing good livelihoods to local populations and protecting rare and endangered biodiversity.

The Ministers of Environment of Brazil, Ricardo Salles; of Peru, Lucía Delfina Ruiz and of Costa Rica, Carlos Rodriguez Echandi together with the Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Jorge Faurie; Ecuador, Jose Valencia; El Salvador, Alexandra Hill Tinoco; Guatemala, Sandra Jovel and Lisandro Rosales of Honduras are expected to participate.

Both Chile and Colombia have been instrumental in leading regional efforts to bring a halt to deforestation of the Amazon basin and a multistakeholder, partnership-based approach to sustainable development. Colombia, home to the second richest endowment of biodiversity in the world after Brazil, is a member of the World Economic Forum-led Tropical Forest Alliance, which seeks to achieve net-zero deforestation of tropical forests in four key value chains: soy, beef, palm oil, and paper and pulp.

The Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2019 meeting will convene more than 800 regional and global leaders from government, business, civil society and academia. The meeting will explore four themes: transforming markets; accelerating climate action; financing sustainable development; and mobilizing action for inclusive societies.

The Co-Chairs of the Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2019 are Jesper Brodin, CEO and President, Ingka Group (IKEA Retail, Ingka Centres, Ingka Investments); Sebastián Piñera Echenique, President of Chile; Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands; and Melati Wijsen, Co-Founder, Bye Bye Plastic Bags.

Notes to editors

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