Pakistan PM Khan Speaks with Global CEOs on Strategic Priorities in Post-Pandemic Era

25 Nov 2020

Alexandra May, Public Engagement, World Economic Forum, +41 79 844 9006,

  • The World Economic Forum convened a special dialogue with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan and more than 70 business leaders from across the world
  • The virtual session provided a first-hand look into Pakistan’s post-COVID-19 strategic priorities
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Geneva, Switzerland, 25 November 2020 – The World Economic Forum today hosted a “Special Dialogue with Prime Minister Imran Khan” for its members and partners, chaired by Forum President Børge Brende. The session gave chief executives from across the world an opportunity to hear directly from the prime minister on the factors behind Pakistan’s resilience to the economic shocks of the pandemic and his country’s post-COVID-19 recovery strategy.

In the virtual session, Khan explained the policy priorities of the Government of Pakistan, including regional connectivity projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and progress on talks to improve trade flows between Afghanistan and Pakistan following his visit last week to the Afghan capital. Khan also responded to questions from chief executives on promoting a digital economy in Pakistan and improving the enabling environment for long-term investors.

“My aim is for Pakistan’s economy to emerge greener, fairer and stronger from the pandemic. It is crucial for us to work with the international business community and partners like the World Economic Forum to share the important reforms underway here and help global businesses participate in the emerging opportunities in Pakistan,” said Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan.

“Pakistan’s economy has shown remarkable resilience to the pandemic, placing it in a strong position to rebound quickly from the shock. The Forum convened this dialogue with Prime Minister Khan for global business leaders to discuss the country’s economic response in greater detail and to understand where they could contribute to Pakistan’s ambitious recovery strategy,” said Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum.

More than 70 members and partners of the World Economic Forum from around the world participated in the virtual session.

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