Global Shapers Community Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

28 Oct 2021

Di Dai, Public Engagement, World Economic Forum,

  • The Global Shapers Community (GSC), a network of young people driving dialogue, action and change, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary
  • There are currently 14,000 Global Shapers and alumni in 455 city-based hubs in 147 countries
  • For the next decade, the GSC has identified six impact areas and set top priorities, including protect the planet and reskill for the future
  • Read GSC’s Decade of Impact report here

Geneva, Switzerland, 29 October 2021 – The World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community, a network of young people who volunteer their time and experiences to drive dialogue, action and change, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.

In 10 years, this community of change-makers has:

Grown to more than 14,000 Global Shapers in 455 city-based hubs in 147 countries

Reached or mobilized over 11 million and directly benefited almost 2 million through locally-led projects since 2017Volunteered 46,000 working days, changed 37 policies and advanced all 17 Global Goals worldwide

Just days before COP26, the GSC is proud to show that young people are not only demanding change but also are leading the change. In partnership with Accenture and Project Everyone, the Global Shapers have produced a report which highlights their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals since 2017.Under Climate and Environment, Global Shapers planted more than 2 million trees, diverted 952kg of waste and prevented 1,146 tons of CO2 emissions

Under Education and Employment, Global Shapers mobilized and trained more than 3 million people, delivered 940,000 skills development trainings and improved the school environment of 62,966 children

Under Equity and Inclusion, Global Shapers mobilized more than 6 million people, educated 21,654 adolescent girls on menstrual health, provided 59,787 individuals with healthcare access and delivered 191 initiatives focused on promoting mental health and well-being

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Shapers distributed 114,175 units of personal protection equipment (PPE) and 452,300 sanitary items, cooked 407,383 meals, donated more than 143,992kg of groceries and helped spread 25,325 evidence-based information messages and educational resources “I see Global Shapers as custodians of the future, planting seeds today that will grow into results for tomorrow. Now, more than ever, we need their energy and vision as we seek to create a better world and tackle the formidable, but not insurmountable, challenges ahead,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

For the next decade of action, the GSC is introducing a new set of impact areas that reflect the community’s expertise and the top priorities of young people. Global Shapers commit to:

Protect the planet: Reduce emissions, fight drought, respond to natural disasters, preserve biodiversity, conserve nature, promote sustainable consumption, and more

Reskill for the future: Provide all people with quality education, skills and jobs to ensure no one is left behind in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with promoting new standards of work, digital literacy, online safety, among others

Strengthen civic engagement: Empower minority leadership, mobilize citizen voting, inspire youth to run for local politics and ensure representation in decision-making and solution-building at all levels of society

Create inclusive communities: Advocate for human rights, disrupt harmful stereotypes related to gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, homelessness, statelessness, among others

Improve health and well-being: Achieve health equality, ensure access to health services, address the social determinants of health, advance youth mental health support and respond to pandemics

Deliver basic needs: Respond to local disasters, take humanitarian action, end hunger, fight extreme poverty, and more, to support the world’s most vulnerable communities

“If there was ever a time in which strengthening local communities and empowering youth leaders were paramount, now is that time. Our community’s ability to respond and evolve in this time of need was made possible thanks to the engagement, commitment, passion and dedication of young people, whose commitment to the World Economic Forum’s mission – improving the state of the world – remains unwavering. This is at the heart of the Global Shapers Community and inspires us each and every day,” said Wadia Ait Hamza, Head of Global Shapers Community, World Economic Forum.

Note to Editors:
Learn more about the Global Shapers Community:
Supporters of the Global Shapers Community’s vision can join the movement or open a new hub.
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