Enabling a growing, resilient and sustainable economy through the adoption of circularity at scale.
For over 20 years, businesses, industries, and governments have primarily focused on circularity initiatives centered around waste management. However, this approach overlooks a much broader systemic opportunity for transformation.
True circular transformation requires a shift across entire systems to encompass operations, manufacturing and business models.
Operating under the Better Living pillar of the World Economic Forum's Centre for Nature and Climate, the Circular Transformation of Industries Initiative brings together diverse stakeholders across multiple industries. Our goal is to to enable a growing, resilient and sustainable economy through the adoption of circularity at scale.
The initiative fosters the adoption of circularity at scale through strategic efforts across three key workstreams.
Knowledge Sharing
Inspiring action by learning from best practices and Circularity Champions while identifying the circular business and operating models vital for industry-wide transformation.
Thought Leadership
Defining and leveraging key enablers of circularity for business and policy.
Uniting and mobilising a community to drive a cross-industry movement, incubate pilot projects, and scale solutions to address common implementation challenges.
The initiative aims to enable impact across four different areas:
Resilience: improving supply chain control, flexibility and responsiveness to shocks.
New sources of revenue: innovating with business models that generate new economic opportunities.
Efficiency: maximising value from scarce resources.
Sustainability: reducing environmental footprint and delivering net-zero goals.