Problem Statement: There are a lot of homeless people in Geneva who have no access to food and cannot cover their health needs (taking a shower, having a good night of sleep) which makes it impossible for them to work on their reinsertion into society.
Hub activities:
In partnership with Geneva’s Accueil de Nuit, the Geneva Hub complements the dinner of homeless people twice a month. Every night the homeless can get soup, bread and tea, and Shapers try to make their evening just a bit better, with fresh food and good company.
Few service projects do as much immediate good or offer such a meaningful, personal experience as volunteering to prepare and serve a meal to people in need. The project Cooking for Homeless seeks to expose Global Shapers and citizens of Geneva to the invisible issue of homelessness while offering the opportunity to contribute through a meal and company.
On top of providing food to homeless and opening shapers and friends of shapers' minds, this activity is also a top-notch team building activity, further strenghthening shapers' sense of belonging.
L'Accueil de Nuit hosts up to 38 guests every night on a first come first serve basis. Guest cannot stay for more than 10 days, which means that every time the hub comes to help, there is a new group of people to meet. To date, over 500 people have benefited from this activity. Please find out more here: