The industrial operations landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by unprecedented technological advancements. Frontier technologies like AI, robotics, additive manufacturing, and quantum technology, amongst many others, are poised to deliver transformative benefits across industries. As these technologies evolve, this future will be increasingly shaped by a symbiotic relationship between humans and machines, where both leverage their unique strengths. This begs the question – What will the next frontier of industrial operations look like?
The Next Frontier of Operations initiative seeks to define a forward-looking but pragmatic picture of this impending era. Through a series of workshops and roundtables involving a diverse community of executives and thought leaders, it will evaluate the value creation impact across key industries and E2E value chain functions across diverse future scenarios. This initiative aims to develop strategic recommendations for industry leaders and policymakers to foster readiness for this impending era and guide responsible transformation.
- Shape the vision: Shape the vision of the next frontier of operations for end-to-end company and end-to-end supply chain network.
- Determine frontier applications: Determine frontier applications, including maturity, functionality, underlying frontier technologies, and their value impact (economic and societal).
- Build industry-specific landscape: Develop value impact scenarios for priority industries (such as automotive, consumer, and pharma). Further, identify key foundational enablers across people, process and technology dimensions to drive responsible adoption.
- Transform responsibly: Deliver pragmatic recommendations to embark on this journey.