The Global Lighthouse Network identifies and awards the most advanced operational sites in the world to share

Technology-driven industrial transformation has the potential to greatly improve performance in financial, operational and sustainability metrics of manufacturing and supply chain sites. However, the majority of organisations in these industries are struggling to unlock this potential upside through scaling technology adoption throughout their operations. 

The global Lighthouse Network awards and showcases the leaders in the field of technology-driven industrial transformation and provides a neutral platform for these leaders to share their insights and learnings to help the whole ecosystem reach the next level of transformation.

What is the Global Lighthouse Network?


4IR Lighthouses identified from different industry sectors


Sustainability Lighthouses
Global Lighthouse Network 2025: World Economic Forum Recognizes Companies Transforming Manufacturing through Innovation

In January 2025, the World Economic Forum has welcomed 17 new members of the Global Lighthouse Network, a community of 189 industry leaders pioneering the use of cutting-edge Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in manufacturing.

The Mindset Shifts Driving Impact and Scale in Digital Transformation

The Global Lighthouse Network (GLN) recognizes companies that have achieved exceptional impact on productivity and sustainability, enabled by digital transformation. This white paper reports on the leading-edge lessons learned by the latest 36 Lighthouses to join the network.

Join the Global Lighthouse Network

Interested in becoming a Lighthouse? Reach out to us for more info on the selection process.