Problem Statement
The Phoenix Hub is advancing the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our SDG World Tour. The SDG framework recognizes that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Target Group
Residents of Phoenix, and Residents of Earth.
Proposed Solution
Phoenix Shapers are exploring the SDGs through our SDG World Tour. Each month, for 17 months, the Phoenix hub focuses on one of the SDGs and works to further that goal in the Phoenix region. By thinking globally and acting locally, Phoenix shapers partner with local non-profits and organizations to make a more sustainable Phoenix.
Hub Activities
Depending on the SDG selected for a particular month, Hub activities include land cleanups, food distribution, fund raising, etc.
Short & Long-Term Goals/Results
Goals include creating a more sustainable Phoenix, building partnerships with local organizations, engaging members, and sparking new projects.
Available Metrics
To date, the SDG World Tour has resulted in assistance in distributing 200 boxes of food to food insecure families, $300 raised for Arizona Animal Welfare League, assistance in distributing robot pieces to more than 150 high school students, 77 pounds of garbage removed from a park and sent to a recycling center, raising awareness on the cultural, economic, and environmental importance of local waterways, and collecting 15 buckets of trash from the desert.
Creighton Community Foundation, Arizona Animal Welfare League, FIRST, Special Olympics Arizona, Keep Phoenix Beautiful, City of Avondale, KEEP OUR DESERT CLEAN, African American Reconstruction, and more to come! We also collaborate with visiting shapers, including members from the Warsaw and Los Angeles Hubs!
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