Challenges & Opportunities

How the implementation of the guidelines will look like in practice will most likely vary from organization to organization and from country to country.

The implementation will also depend on factors like maturity of AI adoption and organizational structures. Nevertheless, implementation methods that focus on multistakeholder discussions and the development of a coherent strategy are recommended.

Our applied research has shown that challenges and opportunities in the categories of Data, People, Procurement and Ethics are decisive factors to focus on during implementation.

A good starting point in any organization or jurisdiction is to hold workshops and round tables in collaboration with AI experts and developers, including but not limited to, consultancies, prominent IT service providers, start-ups, universities, research institutes and citizen rights organizations.

Participating in the project has allowed us to review our technology procurement across the government, and it is my hope that the feedback we have gathered that is presented in this report will provide a road map to advance the procurement of AI by governments that can be replicated all over the world.

—Information and eGovernment Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain

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Discover more about our findings on challenges and opportunities during the implementation stage and explore the insights from workshops in the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain.