Consumer Industry Emerging Trends and Issues
This report of the 2010 -2011 Consumer Industry Agenda Council highlights a range of emerging trends and issues with the potential to be game changers for the Consumer Industry with transformative impact in the medium to long term. The transition from an emergent trend, or weak signal - to a strong signal, can become visible too late for chief executive officers and other leaders to react, especially if one considers the intense speed at which new developments go from invisible to ubiquitous, often through new or barely visible networks. Listening to these weak signals provides a crucial window into the future of the consumer economy.
This report of the 2010 -2011 Consumer Industry Agenda Council highlights a range of emerging trends and issues with the potential to be game changers for the Consumer Industry with transformative impact in the medium to long term. The transition from an emergent trend, or weak signal - to a strong signal, can become visible too late for chief executive officers and other leaders to react, especially if one considers the intense speed at which new developments go from invisible to ubiquitous, often through new or barely visible networks. Listening to these weak signals provides a crucial window into the future of the consumer economy.