Designing a Seamless Integrated Mobility System
How do we integrate disparate transportation modes (such as bikeshare, autonomous pods, ocean shipping and air travel) to enable faster, safer, cleaner and more affordable mobility for people and goods?
How do we integrate disparate transportation modes (such as bikeshare, autonomous pods, ocean shipping and air travel) to enable faster, safer, cleaner and more affordable mobility for people and goods?
Over the last year, the SIMSystem: Desiging Seamless Integrated Mobility project under the System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Mobility, produced this white paper -- or manifesto of principles – which aims to promote more interoperability between modes of transportation in order to avoid a proliferation of potentially uncoordinated or conflicting investments, assets, standards, rules and technologies. The document puts forth the need for a seamless integrated mobility system (a SIMSystem), the vision for how that system could function and its key characteristics, as well as the challenges that will need to be solved along the way to enable it. The included principles provide a guide for the public and private sectors to effectively collaborate and to jointly understand the complex obstacles that will need to be – and can be – addressed.