Centre for the New Economy and Society
The Centre for the New Economy and Society is providing a platform for leaders to shape inclusive and equitable economies and societies that create opportunity for all.
The Centre for the New Economy and Society is providing a platform for leaders to shape inclusive and equitable economies and societies that create opportunity for all.
Gender parity in education and employment is critical for economic growth and societal cohesion. The World Economic Forum estimates that at the current rate of progress, it will take 151 ...
With another 202 years before women achieve pay parity at work, it's time for a fresh and re-energized approach to the gender gap.
The trend for women to be appointed to CEO positions in times of crisis is yet another reason why gender equality in the workplace is some way off.
With women more involved in the application of artificial intelligence than developing the technology itself, this newest of industries is still clinging to traditional gender roles.
As the world backslides on the gender gap, women must clamour for progress louder than ever, writes the Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders.
Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir looks at the smart welfare policies and history of solidarity that have made Iceland one of the best places in the world to be female.
The all-new Reykjavik Index for Leadership has found that sexist attitudes towards women in leadership continue to exist in some countries of Europe.
Research published in the Harvard Business Review found that venture capital firms that hired more female partners were more profitable, underscoring the importance of diversity to the bo...
Britain's advertising watchdog is cracking down on portrayals of gender stereotyping, such as men struggling to change nappies, following repeated public outcry at controversial campaigns.
The time for increased women's political leadership is undeniably here - which is why we need to reframe the way we think about women in power
The phenomenon, known as the "Mighty Girl Effect," can cause men to hold less traditional views on gender roles and norms, and could help tackle issues such as the gender pay gap.
As Iceland enjoys a decade of being the best country for gender equality, there’s a new nation in the top 10 for the first time.
These nations share a belief in family-friendly policies that encourage women into work and challenge the gender pay gap.