2.1 Policy Companion

Read The Future of Nature and Business Policy Companion here.

Unprecedented levels of private-public cooperation will be required to halt nature loss.

The Future of Nature and Business Policy Companion outlines a series of recommendations for policy makers to ensure they protect, invest in, and rebuild natural capital in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released along with The Future of Nature and Business report, which sets out the 15 business-led transitions that could lead to a nature-positive economy, the policy companion sets out how governments can enact ambitious policy and regulatory measures to deliver good jobs, new sources of economic value along with positive outcomes for natural capital, public health and societal resilience.

A global post-COVID19 stimulus programme focusing on protecting and restoring nature, driving resource productivity and scaling up regenerative value chains could help create up to 395 million jobs over the next decade, restore the world’s stock of natural capital and benefit human health.

The paper also recommends strong actions for policy-makers to reset the socio-economic system for the longer term:

  • More comprehensive measuring of economic performance that goes beyond GDP
  • Promoting technology to catalyse innovation
  • Deploying spatial planning to manage ecosystems
  • Removing harmful subsidies that do not serve the public good
  • Supporting people with the necessary training and reskilling
  • Using public finance mechanisms and funds to unlock capital markets for natural solutions

The Future of Nature and Business Policy Companion was produced in collaboration with SYSTEMIQ.