What is the current state of Earth’s ozone layer? 5 questions answered
Since the 1970's, researchers have pleaded with the world to help heal the ozone layer. But how close are we?
Dr. Ravishankara is a Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University. He was at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) of Earth System Research Laboratory for nearly 30 years in Boulder, CO. There, he served as the Director of CSD from 2006 through 2014, and was a Senior Scientist prior to the Directorship. Before coming to NOAA, he was at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Dr. Ravishankara has worked over the past four decades on the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere as it relates to stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change, and regional air quality.