Global Cooperation
What bullet-proof Kevlar teaches us about cooperation and resilience
Kevlar is more than the sum of its parts — and, by adopting that same model that helps Kevlar stop bullets, we can bolster global resilience to shocks.
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Dorae, the physical trade cloud, providing technology services to the global trade industry. Also an investor in the technology, finance and mining sectors.
Kevlar is more than the sum of its parts — and, by adopting that same model that helps Kevlar stop bullets, we can bolster global resilience to shocks.
El mayor salto hacia una industria siderúrgica verde vendrá de fuentes de energía limpia, métodos de producción innovadores y tecnologías ligeras en carbono.
The biggest leap towards a green steel industry will come from innovative energy sources, production methods, and carbon-light technologies.