Zero carbon by 2050 is possible. Here's what we need to do
If sufficiently forceful action is taken over the next few years and sustained over the next three decades, we can cut emissions to net zero carbon levels
Studies in history and economics. 1979-82, taught economics, Cambridge; with BP and Chase Manhattan Bank; 1982, with McKinsey & Co. incl.: 1988, Partner; 1994, Director; 1992-95. 1995-99, Director-General, Confederation of British Industry. 2005, Independent Member, House of Lords. Chairman: 2002-06 UK Low Pay Commission; 2008-12, UK Climate Change Commission; 2008-13, FSA. 2013, Senior Fellow, Centre for Financial Studies, Frankfurt. Visiting Fellow, People’s Bank of China School of Finance, Tsinghua University. Trustee, British Museum. Honorary Fellow, Royal Society and London Business School. Author: Just Capital - The Liberal Economy (2001); Economics after the Crisis (2012); Between Debt and the Devil (2015)
If sufficiently forceful action is taken over the next few years and sustained over the next three decades, we can cut emissions to net zero carbon levels
As the middle class grows and a country's economic prosperity peaks, fertility rates naturally decline. In an increasingly resource-stretched world, that's a good thing.
Seuls des objectifs précis peuvent transformer des intérêts privés rationnels, d’une force potentiellement désastreuse en un puissant agent de changement au bénéfice de tous.
The valid insight behind "modern monetary theory" – that governments and central banks together can always create nominal demand – was explained by Milton Friedman in 1948. But it is vita...
With the technology we have today, it is entirely feasible to decarbonise the global economy, writes Adair Turner. But do we have the will to do it?
Casi todos dicen que el modelo económico de Japón ha implosionado. Desde 1991, el crecimiento promedio ha sido apenas un 0,9%, contra el 4,5% de las dos décadas previas.
Economic activity increasingly performs a merely distributive function, writes Adair Turner, Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Fertility rates at around the current US level do not pose severe problems – and bring some benefits.
Investment and policy changes could create a long-term fall in the costs of creating a zero-carbon economy.
El costo de producir electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables se redujo incluso más rápido que lo que hasta los optimistas más extremos creían posible hace apenas unos años.
En el transcurso del próximo año, el precio de Bitcoin podría duplicarse, multiplicarse por diez, o colapsar en un 95% o más, y ningún análisis económico puede ayudar a predecir dónde se ...
Gran parte de lo que se dice actualmente sobre los dividendos demográficos es un ejercicio peligroso de negación. Es hora de enfrentar la realidad.
Los factores del desempeño económico poscrisis están tan profundamente arraigados que difícilmente se vuelva a la normalidad en un tiempo cercano.
Adair Turner looks at the impact of automation on productivity, arguing that as a measure it could become increasingly irrelevant.
Conforme las sociedades se enriquecen, tal vez sea inevitable una desaceleración de la productividad y puede que las cifras de PIB per cápita nos digan cada vez menos sobre el bienestar r...