How companies are creating a more sustainable future for urban deliveries
Companies across the logistics, e-commerce and retail sectors are using innovative solutions for urban deliveries, to help create a more liveable future.
Companies across the logistics, e-commerce and retail sectors are using innovative solutions for urban deliveries, to help create a more liveable future.
Ciudades de todo el mundo están poniendo en marcha estrategias de carga de VE; la Coalición Global para la Nueva Movilidad del Foro ofrece orientación para aprovechar el apoyo del sector ...
Cities worldwide are rolling out EV charging strategies; the Forum’s Global New Mobility Coalition provides guidance to harness private sector support.
虽然电子商务增长正在放缓,但其发展仍远高于疫情前的水平。 货运拥堵仍然是城市的一个严重问题,它还会导致排放、噪音和道路事故。要减少城市的运输足迹,需要创新、可持续的解决方案,这让私营部门有机会在高效实践中发挥领导作用世界经济论坛的“全球新移动联盟”正在探索如何通过一项新活动,使私营部门在可持续的创新配送方面发挥领导作用。
We need sustainable solutions to reduce cities' delivery emissions. Private sector leadership must grab the opportunity to implement efficient deliveries.