How credit markets are evolving in climate and nature finance
Expanding credit markets for carbon, water and biodiversity are driving private investment and bridging gaps in global sustainability finance.
Akanksha Khatri is Head of Nature Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum. In this role she has led the New Nature Economy Reports Series, advocating how to integrate the issue of nature and biodiversity in economic decision making. Prior to this, she worked as Lead on Government Engagement for India and South Asia followed by an extended remit as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy and Performance for the Forum’s Regional and Government Engagement globally. She has also had experience working at HT Media Ltd. which is the second-largest media company in India. She holds a BA (Hons.) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University, USA. She was a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum (2013-16).
Expanding credit markets for carbon, water and biodiversity are driving private investment and bridging gaps in global sustainability finance.
Cómo las políticas inteligentes, la acción empresarial y las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza pueden equilibrar el crecimiento con la conservación de la biodiversidad para hacer frente...
How smart policies, business action and nature-based solutions can balance growth with biodiversity conservation to tackle global environmental challenges.
Los consumidores están cada vez más preocupados por su impacto ambiental, por lo que el sector de productos del hogar y el cuidado personal también debe ser positivo para la naturaleza.
Consumers are ever-more concerned about their environmental impact, so the household and person care sector must work towards being more nature-positive.
Dos de cada tres personas vivirán en centros urbanos en 2050. Las empresas de cemento y hormigón deben aplicar soluciones para lograr una economía respetuosa con la naturaleza.
With two in three people set to live in urban centres by 2050, cement and concrete firms must implement solutions for a nature-positive economy.
El Marco Mundial para la Biodiversidad de Kunming-Montreal traza un nuevo rumbo para la relación de nuestra sociedad con la naturaleza. Eso es lo que se necesita para detener y revertir l...
From agriculture to finance, businesses, and organizations from all sectors have a role to play in building a nature-positive future. Here's how.
Blended finance could catalyze nature-positive investment by coalition-building, mainstreaming of nature and institutionalizing nature-positive policies.
Nearly three-quarters of all bank loans in the euro area are to companies that are highly dependent on biodiversity. Here’s why this matters to the economy.
广义上,自然受益指的是在2030年前遏止并扭转自然界损失的目标。从去年开始,这一术语越发受到重视;英国皇家学会旗舰生物研究期刊Proceedings B最近刊登的一项新研究,分析了600多种鸟类和哺乳动物的种群变化趋势;研究结果表明,目前的生物多样性损失比我们先前想象的还要严重;在加速对自然的保护、管理及其恢复方面,我们有望在2023年期间看到如下五个自然受益发展趋势。