5 risk factors from supply chain interdependencies in a complex cybersecurity landscape
The increasing reliance on complex supply chains is leading to an unpredictable cybersecurity landscape. Five factors have been identified to look out for.
Akhilesh is the Co-head of KPMG Global Cyber Security and heads the IT Advisory practice for KPMG India Region. He also heads the Technology sector and the Business Process
Management practice . He has led engagements involving large scale business and IT transformation programmes and advised over 200 clients on matters relating to outsourcing, IT
strategy, and selection of technologies.
Currently, Akhilesh is working with a number of clients in developing and helping them realize their digital strategies through innovative adoption of mobility and analytics.
The increasing reliance on complex supply chains is leading to an unpredictable cybersecurity landscape. Five factors have been identified to look out for.
Para las pymes, la ciberseguridad puede ser una tarea costosa y difícil, pero no tiene por qué ser así. Así es cómo las pymes pueden convertir los riesgos cibernéticos en oportunidades.
For SMEs, cybersecurity can be a costly and difficult endeavor — but it doesn't have to be that way. Here's how SMEs can turn cyber risk into opportunity.