全球正努力应对COVID-19日益增加的破坏性影响,而其起源仍然是个谜。 尽管目前有各种各样的说法,但我们可以确定的是,在2019年的最后几天,冠状病毒首次在武汉发现。武汉是中国湖北省的省会城市,拥有约1100万人口——湖北省之前因其三峡大坝工程而闻名西方。
Andrew Berkley is a technologist and data scientist at the World Economic Forum where he leads the Forum's work leveraging data and new technologies for positive social good. He also serves as collaborator for Carnegie Mellon University CREATE Lab’s EarthTime project which allows people to examine major environmental, social, and political phenomenon across time, across space, and between each other through the power of visual storytelling. Previously at the Forum, Andrew held the position of data science lead on the Strategic Intelligence team where he focused on “connecting the dots” between citizens, policymakers, business leaders, social influencers, emerging technologies, and global challenges. Prior to joining the World Economic Forum, Andrew completed his graduate work at the University of Oxford where his researched focused on online social networks. He previously served as lecturer and Princeton-in-Asia Fellow at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing. He is formally trained as a political economist and computational social scientist and also holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, & Law and a degree in Chinese language studies from the University of Arizona Honors College. Follow him on Twitter @andrewcberkley
全球正努力应对COVID-19日益增加的破坏性影响,而其起源仍然是个谜。 尽管目前有各种各样的说法,但我们可以确定的是,在2019年的最后几天,冠状病毒首次在武汉发现。武汉是中国湖北省的省会城市,拥有约1100万人口——湖北省之前因其三峡大坝工程而闻名西方。
The World Economic Forum created a visualization tracking the spread of coronavirus using data from the World Health Organization and other sources.
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