Una combinación de presiones sociales, económicas, tecnológicas y ecológicas está privando de optimismo a los jóvenes de todo el mundo.
A combination of social, economic, technological and ecological pressures are robbing young people worldwide of optimism.
El Foro Económico Mundial ha identificado cinco palancas para un sistema alimentario sostenible, basado el alimentos asequibles, ricos en nutrientes.
The World Economic Forum identifies five levers for a sustainable food system and better nutrition, including affordable nutrient-dense food and ecosystems.
Consumers are increasingly seeking healthy nutrition. The food and beverage industry needs to reengineer products to improve human and environmental health.
Las personas viven más tiempo, pero no más sanas. Esto genera costes sociales y económicos. Un modelo de cambio social basado en la evidencia puede ayudar.
People live longer but not healthier, spurring societal and economic costs unless they embrace nutrition. An evidence-based social change model can help.
The shift to an experience economy could do more than simply change how we spend our time and money - it could promote inclusion and democratize happiness.