What is 'strategic silence' and how can it help employees?
Strategic silence is when the highest-performing employees intentionally withhold information, ideas, or concerns until the time is right to speak up.
Strategic silence is when the highest-performing employees intentionally withhold information, ideas, or concerns until the time is right to speak up.
沃顿商学院教授Katherine Klein表示,员工持股计划(ESOP)能为公司和员工带来经济收益;Corey Rosen就此写过一本书,他认为,员工持股有助于提升企业业绩,增强企业稳定性;以下是Klein和Rosen之间关于员工持股的影响的对话。
沃顿商学院管理学教授Stephanie Creary近期在《引领职场多样性》(Leading Diversity at Work)播客中与其他嘉宾讨论了微歧视的影响;这里,微歧视指那些“常见的语言、行为或环境上的侮辱性行为,且表达了对任何边缘化或受压迫群体的敌意、贬低、负面轻视或侮辱”;要想抵制职场上的微歧视行为,就需要在这些行为发生时及时予以谴责,并对歧视者进行教育。
Employee ownership is an idea that works politically. It’s an idea that works economically, but it’s not an idea that people are paying enough attention to.
Wharton management professor Stephanie Creary speaks with Lori Tauber Marcus and David Rivera about the impact of microaggressions in the workplace.
With the pandemic-fuelled demand for more workplace flexibility, many Americans now desire a four-day working week. These Wharton experts don't expect change, however.
Only 2.8% of people consume online fake news exclusively, according to a study which concluded that the internet is not creating an echo chamber as feared.
Recent research by Wharton has unveiled a link between employee turnover and the quality of smartphones made in China, with implications for employee retention.
As companies return to business as usual, employees want more flexibility at work. But leaders should be careful about exacerbating inequalities, says one expert.
Two management professors have released a book on how to tear down the barriers that prevent women and marginalized groups from thriving in business.
沃顿商学院市场营销学教授Wendy De La Rosa在与家人共进晚餐时,她的表弟开始大谈他与雇主之间的发薪新安排,他可以每天通过一个特定的应用程序拿到工资,而不用等到发薪日。
More businesses are paying employees daily. But those who get paid more frequently develop a false sense of their wealth and spend more, new research shows.
An all-or-nothing approach is considered the standard for negotiations, but a collaborative negotiation process is a better method, argues a Wharton professor.
Russia's war in Ukraine may cause short-term disruption to international trade, but globalization will not disappear, argues a Wharton management professor.