An algorithm may decide your next pay raise
Salary increases could soon be decided by algorithms generated by artificial intelligence (A.I.). McKinsey reported in a recent study, that two-thirds of employers say they're making big ...
Salary increases could soon be decided by algorithms generated by artificial intelligence (A.I.). McKinsey reported in a recent study, that two-thirds of employers say they're making big ...
毫无疑问,所谓的“软技能”——即那些难以客观衡量的技能,如同理心、适应力以及交涉想法的能力——需要重新命名。“‘软’听上去很弱,或者从某种程度上来看,似乎不如‘硬’技能,即技术技能重要。这种想法完全错误。”Skillsoft产品开发高级副总裁Heide Abelli如是说道。Skillsoft致力于为全球160个国家的1.4亿员工设计、提供培训课程。“我们将上述技能定名为...
As companies grapple with automation, and constant change, 'power skills' or people skills are more important than ever.
Employers are increasingly asking for combinations of skills in job vacancies and will often pay a premium for candidates who display the ideal mix of desired skills.