How philanthropy can unlock action on climate and nature in this critical decade
Climate and nature-related philanthropy is lagging behind giving to other social causes – but it could have a decisive impact on the battle to save the environment
Anthony is Executive Fellow, Strategic Engagement, Center for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum and Senior Advisor to the CEO & Chair, Advisory Board, Mission Possible Partnership. Anthony was Chief Executive Officer of the Carbon Tracker Initiative from February 2014 to March 2019, and now is co-chair of the Advisory Board. Previously he was a partner and Global Head of the Sustainability & Climate Finance Practice at global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright. Formerly he was General Counsel to the Climate Change Capital Carbon Fund and Director of Legal Policy for Climate Change Capital which he joined in September 2005.
Anthony specialised in climate change and clean energy law as well as UK, EU and international environmental law. He has played a key role in helping to design the UKs pilot emissions trading scheme and in developing key aspects of the EU ETS. He advised a wide range of banks, trading companies, project development companies, corporates and public sector entities who were active participants in carbon markets. Anthony was seconded to Norton Rose Fulbright’s Sydney office between 2010 and 2012 where he was heavily involved in the development of the emerging carbon and clean energy markets in Australia and Asia. He was a key figure behind the creation of the business advocacy group Businesses for a Clean Economy, a coalition of business arguing for a price on carbon. Anthony was behind the creation of the business group Climate Markets & Investment Association. He sat on the board of the Verified Carbon Standards Association (now Vera) between 2007 and 2015. He currently sits on the Advisory Board to the Climate Bonds Initiative and the Global Footprint Network. Anthony holds a First-Class Honours Degree in Chemistry & Physics and an LLM in Environmental Law. He qualified as a solicitor of England and Wales in 1994. He writes and speaks widely on climate risk and the financial sector.
Climate and nature-related philanthropy is lagging behind giving to other social causes – but it could have a decisive impact on the battle to save the environment
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