Issue Briefing: What’s next for decentralized finance (DeFi)?
Over $58 billion USD is now locked in blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi). Join this issue briefing to hear from experts on the future of DeFi.
Over $58 billion USD is now locked in blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi). Join this issue briefing to hear from experts on the future of DeFi.
The recent surge in COVID-19 cases in India, home to the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, has lead to a halt in vaccine exports. Here's what that means.
The World Economic Forum brought together public- and private-sector leaders to agree on these proposals to help guide stakeholders toward a strong future.
In a countrywide debate lasting 10 years, Switzerland decided last Sunday not to move forward with stricter environmental and human rights legislation.
Ingenuity, experience, and strong public health measures have helped the continent keep COVID-19 numbers down, according to the World Health Organization.
Switzerland is the last Western European country to grant such a provision. Paternity leave is offered by fewer countries than maternity leave and the benefit can vary widely in its lengt...
La Suisse est le dernier pays d'Europe occidentale à accorder une telle disposition. Le congé de paternité est proposé par un nombre de pays inférieur à celui du congé de maternité et la ...
2020年1月,世界经济论坛第50届年会将于在瑞士达沃斯-克洛斯特斯召开。本次会议的主题是“凝聚全球力量,实现可持续发展”,届时,来自全球的3000多名与会者将汇聚一堂。本届年会连续第四年践行 “气候中性”承诺。
En enero del 2020, el Foro Económico Mundial convocará a las empresas para plantear sus ambiciones por la acción climática en la Asamblea Anual en Davos-Klosters bajo la temática "Stakeho...
Que signifie exactement être climatiquement neutre ?
The World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting will be offsetting all its greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some of the projects that will benefit.
Despite a month full of landmark moments, the fight for LGBTI rights should not be limited to each July, say these young change-makers.
Avec une augmentation record de 31% des investissements dans les start-ups régionales en 2018, la région Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord est en pleine effervescence.