Africa's digital revolution: this is what you need to know
A new study looks at how prepared six African countries - Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa - are for the digital revolution.
BA (Hons) in Economics, Delhi Univ.; MA, Delhi School of Economics; PhD in Economics and Univ. Fellow, Univ. of Rochester. More than 25 years as consultant and educator. Formerly: Partner, McKinsey & Co. and Leader, Innovation and Global Forces practices and Member, Knowledge Services Cttee; Faculty, Harvard Business School and Harvard Univ. Center for the Environment; Distinguished Scholar, MIT Legatum Center for Dev. and Entrepreneurship; Partner and Thought Leader, Monitor Group; Faculty, Bellcore, Univ. of Illinois; Officer, TAS. Currently, Senior Associate Dean, Int'l Business and Finance, The Fletcher School, Tufts Univ.; Founding Exec. Director, Institute for Business in the Global Context; Professor of Practice. Author: The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World; over 70 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, newspaper articles and op-eds, book chapters and HBS case studies.
A new study looks at how prepared six African countries - Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa - are for the digital revolution.
为补充世界银行的《营商环境报告》,两位专家根据数字营商便利度对42个国家和地区进行了排名。美国位居榜首,截至2016年的11年间,其数字经济的增速是整体经济的3.7倍。 有人将世界银行的营商环境年度报告称为各国政府的“世界杯”或“奥运会”,使各国政府争相提高本国的商业吸引力。该排名通过审查监管环境来衡量在一个国家开展商业的难易程度,具有很大影响力:它激发190个经济...
Two business experts have ranked 42 countries by how easy it is for the most significant digital platforms to operate and thrive.
India and China's digital economies are growing rapidly, with international and domestic implications for people and business.
We have an opportunity to harness technology for smart and sustainable development.
Divisions among internet users broadly mirror economic ones - creating what researchers have termed the Digital North and Digital South.
With automation threatening to displace millions of jobs worldwide, there is hope on the horizon, especially for women.
There are no short cuts to ensuring privacy, transparency, and innovation.
A new study explores digital trust in 42 countries.
This is the impact that increasing digital uptake can have on gender inclusion.
Almost a year ago, the Indian government rolled out an unprecedented policy move.
Where do we stand globally in terms of digital integration and where can we expect to be in the next 5-10 years?
Smart societies are the future but we must establish standards and ideals to aim for.
American leadership in technology innovation and economic competitiveness is at risk if U.S. policymakers don’t take crucial steps to protect the country’s digital future.
Bhaskar Chakravorti looks at the possible impact of the UK's decision to leave the EU on the future of the union's digial economy.