Bhaskar Chakravorti

Senior Associate Dean, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

BA (Hons) in Economics, Delhi Univ.; MA, Delhi School of Economics; PhD in Economics and Univ. Fellow, Univ. of Rochester. More than 25 years as consultant and educator. Formerly: Partner, McKinsey & Co. and Leader, Innovation and Global Forces practices and Member, Knowledge Services Cttee; Faculty, Harvard Business School and Harvard Univ. Center for the Environment; Distinguished Scholar, MIT Legatum Center for Dev. and Entrepreneurship; Partner and Thought Leader, Monitor Group; Faculty, Bellcore, Univ. of Illinois; Officer, TAS. Currently, Senior Associate Dean, Int'l Business and Finance, The Fletcher School, Tufts Univ.; Founding Exec. Director, Institute for Business in the Global Context; Professor of Practice. Author: The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World; over 70 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, newspaper articles and op-eds, book chapters and HBS case studies.

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Economic Growth


为补充世界银行的《营商环境报告》,两位专家根据数字营商便利度对42个国家和地区进行了排名。美国位居榜首,截至2016年的11年间,其数字经济的增速是整体经济的3.7倍。 有人将世界银行的营商环境年度报告称为各国政府的“世界杯”或“奥运会”,使各国政府争相提高本国的商业吸引力。该排名通过审查监管环境来衡量在一个国家开展商业的难易程度,具有很大影响力:它激发190个经济...

12 Dec 2019