刚刚席卷全球、引发社会恐慌的“WannaCry”勒索病毒,再为企业等机构次敲响了操作系统安全的警钟。而比这次的病毒更加精密的勒索软件也绝不在少数。黑客们未来仍将轻松攻破大量仍在使用Windows XP等老旧系统的网络。
刚刚席卷全球、引发社会恐慌的“WannaCry”勒索病毒,再为企业等机构次敲响了操作系统安全的警钟。而比这次的病毒更加精密的勒索软件也绝不在少数。黑客们未来仍将轻松攻破大量仍在使用Windows XP等老旧系统的网络。
A look at why WannaCry didn't generate as many ransom payments as previous cyberattacks.
Devices are increasingly at risk from “side-channel” attacks, where an intruder can bypass traditional network entry points and use another way to compromise the device.
Bill Buchanan, head of the Cyber Academy, Edinburgh Napier University, on the potential consequences of cyber attacks.
From July 2016, Bitcoin mining is set to become more centralized, and carried out by fewer companies.