Corporates often forget religious diversity. Here's why they should not
Religious Diversity should be included in corporate diversity agendas at workplaces. A new survey reveals that religious groups are routinely left out.
PhD in Sociology, Penn State. Formerly, directed the Pew Research Center's cross-national data project. Currently, President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. Leading expert on workplace religious diversity, equity and inclusion (REDI), and on the socio-economic impact of restrictions on religious freedom. Scholar, Baylor and Boston Universities. TEDx speaker. Author of numerous works including: The Price of Freedom Denied; World Religion Database; REDI Index.
Religious Diversity should be included in corporate diversity agendas at workplaces. A new survey reveals that religious groups are routinely left out.
Religion is a significant source of America’s economic and social strength. You may be surprised just how significant.
Secularism may be on the rise, but for many Americans religion remains a powerful force. Both in business and in politics.