La producción de alimentos finalmente aparece en el debate sobre el clima. ¿Qué se puede esperar de esto?
Después de años de falta de atención, la agricultura finalmente encontró un lugar en las conversaciones sobre el clima en 2017.
Bruce Campbell is Director of the Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), a strategic collaboration between CGIAR and Future Earth. He is a staff member of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). He serves on several editorial boards, and is a scientific committee member of PECS, the ICSU Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society. Bruce was previously based in Zimbabwe, Indonesia and Australia, where he has worked in agricultural and forestry research for development. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and more than a dozen books.
Después de años de falta de atención, la agricultura finalmente encontró un lugar en las conversaciones sobre el clima en 2017.
By farming smarter we can also address undernutrition, water pollution and biodiversity loss.