Why your second COVID-19 vaccine dose really matters
New research looks at our body's immune response to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, finding 'powerful beneficial effects' of the second vaccine dose.
Bruce Goldman is a writer at Stanford University.
New research looks at our body's immune response to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, finding 'powerful beneficial effects' of the second vaccine dose.
En los casos graves de COVID-19, se encontró que las células inmunes, que reaccionan inmediatamente a los signos de virus o bacterias en el cuerpo, responden lentamente, según un estudio ...
In severe COVID-19 cases, immune cells, which react immediately to signs of viruses or bacteria in the body, were found to respond sluggishly, according to a Standford University study.
New technology has allowed people with severe limb weakness to type via direct brain control.