Carolyn Tastad

Chief Executive Officer Health Care, Procter & Gamble

Degree in Business, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Experience across P&G’s broad portfolio of brands, working in Canada, the US and Europe; currently leads P&G’s $29 billion business in North America, the company’s largest and most profitable region; Executive Sponsor, P&G’s Gender Equality efforts. Member of the Board: Kellogg Company; Grocery Manufacturers Association; Cincinnati Museum Center.

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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


在去年1月的世界经济论坛年会上,我们安排了“职场中的女性:传闻 vs. 现实”的装置。在为期四天的会议中,各国领导亲身体验了该装置,了解女性在职场中面对的传闻与现实。对于很多人来说,这是振奋人心的时刻,因为他们了解到,常常被人们认为是事实的传闻其实并没有现实基础。然而,这些传闻却会影响现实世界。

15 Jun 2019
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion



21 Feb 2019